Jolly Back PosturePad Junior Case Study
The first study of its kind happened at Nunney First School. Every child in Reception class used a PosturePad Junior (multi-use wedge cushion) for 4 weeks when floor sitting during circle time, on their chair, in assembly and when learning outdoors.
Ms Howlett, Headteacher explains more:
“We know that correct posture is very important, so we were interested in something that might simply help our youngest learners become better achievers”.
A number of benefits for teaching and learning were noted by regular staff, supply teachers and external visitors observing lessons. When walking into the classroom or while working with the pupils, the following benefits were reported by staff:
“the children are obviously sitting straighter but entirely comfortably; and are able to stay focused longer”.
“the level of fidgeting and restless, unproductive movement is much reduced”.
“pupil concentration is improved during whole class and group activities”.
“there is a greater respect for personal space amongst the pupils”
“pencil holding for early writing skills shows an improvement”.
In discussion, most pupils in the Reception class reported that:
- sitting on the wedges is more comfortable and “better” than sitting on a hard floor or carpet.
- they recognise they have straight backs and can look at the teacher so they can, in their words, “learn properly”.
- they value sitting in their own space on the floor and taking the wedges to chairs when using them.
- having the wedges makes it less necessary to keep reminding themselves of one another’s “bubbles of personal space”.
- they are conscious of the improving neatness of their work and like feeling proud of themselves.
- they like having their own cushions and want to take them to their next class.
Ms Howett summarised points worthy of consideration after the Jolly Back PosturePad Junior trial:
- better quality learning can take place without distraction from “off task” movement.
- better focus and greater concentration while sitting on the wedges continues in a habit of more effective learning behaviour in other situations.
- the greater respect for personal space has led to a deeper understanding by the children of their own needs and those of others in the class.
- this growing respect for themselves and others, enables pupils to optimise learning opportunities across the day.
- they are developing an awareness of other factors affecting their ability to learn effectively and need fewer prompts for improving learning behaviour.
- the pupils demonstrate a conscious self-esteem and notice progress in others.
- improved manipulative skills are beginning to be transferred to other areas of learning.
Some of the salient features of the study were not easily quantified. Staff reported that Reception children had all actively and enthusiastically engaged in debate and discussion about their new “cushions”, giving them pupil voice and enabling the extension of their gifted and talented provision.
Pupil Premium funding will be used for next year’s cohort because the school were convinced it will be money exceptionally well spent as they’ve seen “unquestionable improvements on anything seen in previous years”.
At Jolly Back we’re really proud to have worked with the team at Nunney First School and are delighted to hear the pleasing results the PosturePad Junior wedge cushion has bought staff and pupils.